Metering Engineer

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Data postării

Metering Engineer

Vadu/Constanta, Romania

Temporar, 1 an

31 iulie 2024

Descriere poziție

We are looking for a Metering Engineer who will provide technical metering support to BSOG Asset Operations and Maintenance departments including supporting the offshore and onshore metering specialists.


Role scope

  • Execution of the measurement/work scope of a number of BSOG Assets
  • Plan and deliver major metering improvements/upgrades
  • Perform, control and respond to any level of the equipment audit
  • Project manage small metering projects
  • Compile and provide accurate and reliable data to support the contract scope

Key responsibilities

  • Prepare information and reports for BSOG Management matters in relation to relevant authorities, regulatory bodies and Third Parties
  • Compile and generate mismeasurements, analyse and provide operational measurement data
  • Approve the technical work of others services including mis-measurement reports
  • Apply relevant practices and procedures for the planning and management of supply of metering equipment and systems e.g. test equipment, certification, PMR’s
  • Analyse, identify, and provide request for procuring suitable replacement equipment which meets the correct BSOG/engineering and industry specification
  • Ensure validity of general flow calculations or reported measurement data on liquid and gas systems, e.g. ranges, beta ratios, certification
  • Prepare, input and monitor flow-meters recertification, operating and maintenance procedures to ensure overall integrity of the measurement process
  • Work to the commercial pipeline transportation and/or allocation and measurement agreements that BSOG have agreed to
  • Proactively identify and share alternative solutions to meet current contract scope with operations project and maintenance team
  • Understand existing liquid and gas metering system function
  • Ensure technical and operational documentation and records are in place to facilitate full measurement audit trail
  • Identify and promote measurement industry best practices within the area of operation
  • Maintain general awareness of financial, commercial, planning and control activities and BSOG sensitivities
  • Proactively troubleshoot, construct, develop and drive improvement.

Experience & Qualifications

  • Knowledge of liquid and gas metering system principles of operation to run or check flow calculations
  • Knowledge to verify flow calculations, sizing metering equipment, uncertainty analysis, and flow computer calculations
  • Evaluates and analyses typical allocation and measurement systems, makes assessments, and devises optimal solutions
  • Significant knowledge of all relevant IP, API, AGA, BS and ISO standards and codes of practice relating to general measurement activities. Conversant with Romanian regulations or for the North Sea DECC/NPD
  • Fully conversant with Office tools (Excel, Word, Access, PowerPoint, Visio, Project)
  • Able to run standard packages to perform check flow calculations
  • Fully conversant with HYSYS and MathCAD as applied to measurement system calculations or process
  • Performed proves and verifications, analysed k-factors performance, and identified key problems with Turbine meters, USM’s etc
  • Interrogated, updated, and sense checked configuration of Metering System Flow
  • Understands how other engineering disciplines use data/information and interact with measurement and control systems
  • Detailed or advanced knowledge of manufacturers’ equipment and how this relates to measurement
  • A master’s degree in engineering or a recognized, relevant trade qualification
  • Certificates on flow measurement systems 10 years relevant experience within metering on systems for oil and gas or related industry.

Terms and conditions

  • Location: Gas Treatment Plant Vadu/Constanta 
  • 12 months contract.

If interested and qualified, please upload your CV in the form below by 31st August 2024.

Trimite-ne CV -ul tău!

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